Street Kids! They are everywhere! :D


So its summer! And one thing that tells you its summer, kids all around the streets!! 😀 They are everywhere literally! They are shouting and screaming and singing the whole day 😀 I wake up with this noise and try to sleeping ignoring this noise! It’s irritating sometimes, specially for the moms who keep trying to take their kids home and save them from the blazing sun but if they ever listened, why would they be called kids?;) On the other hand I think all this time is very special for the kids and very important for their personality development! They learn so much on the roads! These are the kids who understand the true meaning of friendship, carefree, happy faces always ready to help each other, love, compassion, this is what they learn here. I love seeing their happy, cheerful faces which remind me of my own childhood! Hope they will at least bring a smile to your face too!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage